Best Seafood Practices
BSP Certified Wild Producers
BSP Certified Wild Producers
The following is a continually updated list of all BSP-certified processing plants (processors and re-processors) and fishing vessels.
Certified Producers
Certified Producers are facilities whose BSP certifications are currently valid. The following is a list of all BSP certified processing plants (both processors and re-processors) and vessels.

 Enhanced Social Accountability     

        This facility’s GSA Seafood Processing Standard audit was conducted under pilot or related circumstance and does not meet Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmark recognition.

Certified Producers

Seafood Processing Standard (SPS) 6.0

Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) is pleased to announce the official release of the Seafood Processing Standard (SPS) version 6.0 and pilots are underway. The following facilities have successfully been certified to the new standard.

BSP Number Producer Country Expiration Species Modules

        This facility’s GSA Seafood Processing Standard audit was conducted under pilot or related circumstance and does not meet Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmark recognition.

RFVS-Certified Vessels
BSP Number Vessel Name Classification at Sea Country Expires
V10001 Antarctic Discover 30 Days or More Australia 27/Apr/2027
V10007 Antarctic Aurora 30 Days or More Australia 17/Apr/2027
V10011 Altaire LK429 72 Hours to 30 Days United Kingdom 25/Oct/2025
V10012 Artemis BF60 72 Hours to 30 Days United Kingdom 21/Aug/2027
V10015 Taits FR 229 72 Hours to 30 Days United Kingdom 21/Jul/2027
V10016 Lunar Bow PD 265 24 to 71 Hours Scotland 26/Feb/2028
V10017 Pathway PD 165 24 to 71 Hours United Kingdom 26/Feb/2028
V10020 Unity 72 Hours to 30 Days United Kingdom 06/Nov/2027
V10021 Challenge 72 Hours to 30 Days United Kingdom 21/Jul/2027
V10039 Century Pride 30 Days or More Taiwan 15/Feb/2026
V10042 Chris Andra II 72 Hours to 30 Days United Kingdom 21/Jul/2027
BSP Number Vessel Name Classification at Sea Country Expires
BSP Number Vessel Name Classification at Sea Country Expires
V10043 Pesqueria Del Atlantico SA - Vieirasa XVII Argentina N/A
V10044 Pesqueria Del Atlantico SA - Atlantico 1 Argentina N/A
V10045 Pesqueria Del Atlantico SA - Miriam Argentina N/A
V10046 Pesqueria Del Atlantico SA - Tabeiron II Argentina N/A
V10047 Pesquera Deseado SAU - Espadarte Argentina N/A
V10048 Pesquera Deseado SAU - Mar Austral I Argentina N/A
V10049 Pesquera Deseado SAU - Aresit Argentina N/A

Interested in becoming a BSP producer?

Species Info