BSP Number |
Producer |
Country |
Expiration |
Species |
Seafood Processing Standard (SPS) 6.0
BSP Number | Producer | Country | Expiration | Species | Modules |
This facility’s GSA Seafood Processing Standard audit was conducted under pilot or
related circumstance and does not fully meet Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)
benchmark recognition.
BSP Number | Vessel Name | Classification at Sea | Country | Expires |
V10001 | Antarctic Discover | 30 Days or More | Australia | 27/Apr/2027 |
V10007 | Antarctic Aurora | 30 Days or More | Australia | 17/Apr/2027 |
V10011 | Altaire LK429 | 72 Hours to 30 Days | United Kingdom | 25/Oct/2025 |
V10012 | Artemis BF60 | 72 Hours to 30 Days | United Kingdom | 21/Aug/2027 |
V10015 | Taits FR 229 | 72 Hours to 30 Days | United Kingdom | 21/Jul/2027 |
V10020 | Unity | 72 Hours to 30 Days | United Kingdom | 06/Nov/2027 |
V10021 | Challenge | 72 Hours to 30 Days | United Kingdom | 21/Jul/2027 |
V10039 | Century Pride | 30 Days or More | Taiwan | 15/Feb/2026 |
V10042 | Chris Andra II | 72 Hours to 30 Days | United Kingdom | 21/Jul/2027 |
BSP Number |
Vessel Name | Classification at Sea | Country | Expires |
BSP Number |
Vessel Name | Classification at Sea | Country | Expires |
V10016 | Lunar Bow PD 265 | 24 to 71 Hours | Scotland | N/A |
V10017 | Pathway PD 165 | 24 to 71 Hours | United Kingdom | N/A |
V10043 | Pesqueria Del Atlantico SA - Vieirasa XVII | Argentina | N/A | |
V10044 | Pesqueria Del Atlantico SA - Atlantico 1 | Argentina | N/A | |
V10045 | Pesqueria Del Atlantico SA - Miriam | Argentina | N/A | |
V10046 | Pesqueria Del Atlantico SA - Tabeiron II | Argentina | N/A | |
V10047 | Pesquera Deseado SAU - Espadarte | Argentina | N/A | |
V10048 | Pesquera Deseado SAU - Mar Austral I | Argentina | N/A | |
V10049 | Pesquera Deseado SAU - Aresit | Argentina | N/A |